Sunday, December 28, 2014

Get the Look: Taylor Swift Lips!

For any of you out there with an obsession over how cool red lipstick looks, here's a fun Vogue article for you to peruse!

Fave Insta Accounts!

Just wanted to let in on some of my favorite Insta users! Give them a follow and comment some of your favorite Instagram accounts!


follow me at @living_it_livie! let me know what you think about Sunday Muse!

Have a wonderful week!

                                                                                                                       xo, Olivia

Sunday Afternoon Refreshments

Honest Tea... Honest-y... Honesty

Help Wanted!

Hey all! I'm looking for people who are willing to model for Sunday Muse! If you're a teen living in NYC and interested, let me know in the comments below and maybe we could get in touch!

                                                                                                        xo, Olivia :)